easy. secure. BETTER.


We help you bill customers for shipping costs based on your carrier agreements. Our automated billing platform allows you to get as detailed as you need - down to what each customer is charged for shipping, and if the rate structures are competitive in the market. Our end goal? Getting your customers get the best shipping rates, and maximizing your profitability.

  • Simple

    We simplified billing. We work with many 3PL’s and we heard you loud and clear. Billing for shipping costs is a nightmare. No need to spend 2 full days at the end of the month billing manually and then hoping you didn’t lose money on those shipments.

  • software

    Our platform automates billing weekly or monthly depending on your preference. It gives you the flexibility to customize the billing structure based on customer and allows your customer to have access to dashboards & shipping details with the appropriate amounts that match billing.


    We solve problems. We cut down on your billing error rate through our automation, add more money to your bottom line by making sure you’re maximizing shipping revenue, and we lower customer service costs and headaches by giving your customers the tools they need to answer questions.

Savings on your shipping is great if you’re a 3PL but what’s even better is if you can make sure you’re actually profitable on a customer. Our platform allows you to customize pricing and charges by customer but also gives your customer access to a dashboard that cuts down on your customer service costs. We give you the tools to compete with the big guys.

“Repact Saved us 19% on our shipping costs.”

“Repact saved us 19% on our shipping costs but the bigger savings came from their platform managing our transportation billing.

Now we have an easy process to bill our customers for shipping and know if we’re actually making money or not. It’s crazy that we’re making more money on every shipment going out the door” -3PL owner in Nevada

“Testimonials describe what has been, and are a promise of what is to come.”

We know there’s a lot out there to choose from. We want to make it as clear, concise and easy as possible for you to make the right choice.

Click the button to read up on a few of our recent case studies to get a real world picture of what we’ve done to help out businesses just like yours.

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it a shot?

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